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  • Laura

Recent Thoughts on Writing

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The other day I gave myself a little challenge. Maybe it was my own thought, but maybe it was from the Lord. I wouldn't post on Instagram until I had written something here. The thing is, I don't want to write only in "caption" form. For awhile now my mind has been programmed to think, "take that picture then caption it!" It's weird, isn't it?

When I started writing it was to write. It wasn't to write captions. So, this morning I'm committed to writing.

This post feels a bit rough. It's like working out again when you haven't in awhile. There's hope though. I'm sitting here, eating a clementine and reminded of Jo March writing with ink stained hands and an orange by candlelight in Little Women. She knew that for her, she needed to write. I'm reminded of writers like Emily Lex whose book I just finished. She was prompted to write, and her book is beautiful. Then there's Gretchen Saffles, an author whose book I'm currently reading. Her words are also so worth reading.

So, as I write I don't want to just put out what we've come to know as "content" to get a like or a share. I want to write what's on my heart, what I'm prompted to share, and what will hopefully be of encouragement to you.

Here's to writing.

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